Why choose electrolysis
By now you have probably tried every temporary hair removal method possible - shaving, plucking, waxing, depilatory creams and abrasive pads. Perhaps you even have some expensive gadget which didn't make much difference.
Nothing worked permanently and you are still battling your unwanted hair like you did 5, 10, 15 years ago or even longer!
It doesn't need to be this way. Electrolysis is not an instantaneous fix but, as of today, is the only sure way of eradicating that unwanted hair. It is a successful treatment which will give you the result you have been looking for, and is well worth the time and effort required.
Electrolysis benefits
Frequently asked questions
How many sessions will I need?
Your hair growth rate and pattern is as unique as you are, and it depends on dozens of factors such as hormonal activity, genetics, general health, previous hair removal methods, medication, hair density and thickness etc. All these factors and their combination are different for everyone, and that's why it's not possible to determine the exact number of sessions in your personal treatment course.
Electrolysis is not a single procedure but is a course of treatments, and it typically takes around 1.5-2 years with bi-weekly or monthly visits to achieve complete eradication of unwanted hair. For some people it may take a bit longer - for example, if you have underlying hormonal issues. Also, facial hair will take longer to go than body hair. This is due to the fact that on your face you have much larger number of follicles - up to 500 per 1 square centimetre, while on the body - only around 70-80!
It is important to remember that, as your course progresses, your sessions will become shorter and shorter, and the time between each session becomes longer.
Electrolysis is not a fast treatment, but as yet it provides the only really permanent answer.
How long is one session?
This largely depends on the size of the area being treated, hair density and your skin sensitivity.
It's important to remember that each hair is treated individually, so the more dense the growth is on the area the more time is needed for a full clearance.
As a very rough guide, an average session length can be:
Female upper lip - 30 mins. Temporary swelling caused by electrolysis is more prominent here. For this reason, longer sessions are not advisable.
Eyebrows - 15-30 min per eyebrow
Female chin - 30 min - 1 hr
Underarms - 1-2 hrs per armpit
Arms (elbow to wrist) - 1-2 hours per arm
Ears - 30 min per one
Bikini - 1-2 hours. Depending on what you want to have done (i.e. Brazilian, Hollywood, pubic triangle only, outside of underwear etc.). It's a very dense area which is impossible to clear in one go, and therefore it is usually split over several sessions.
Your longest sessions will be in the first few months of treatment, after which the session time will be reducing more and more. By the end of the course you will only need 5-10 minutes to eliminate the remaining few hairs.
I want to try but I don't think I can afford it.
One big advantage of electrolysis is that it's a tailored treatment, and your finances are always taken into consideration. You will never be forced to have a long session you can't afford.
Another beauty of electrolysis is that the area you want to have treated does not have to be cleared in one go!
For example, you would like to have hair-free underarms. Typically, one underarm can take as long as 2 hours to clear of all present hairs. You check the pricing page and immediately think 'OMG, it's £200 for both underarms. I need to sell my kidney'. But here is the thing - who said you HAVE TO fully treat both of your underarms at the same session? Of course, it would be nice to leave the treatment room with totally bare armpits. But what if you only have £30-50 spare this month? In your first month you can, for example, just have a half of one underarm done (or a quarter, it doesn't matter!). Next month, you can have another quarter/the second half done, and so on. After an initial clearance, there will be MUCH less hair on there and your following session will be shorter (and therefore cheaper). Remember that with each session some hair will be destroyed permanently, so the result stays with you forever, from session to session. Even one short session is not going to be wasted, it all adds up.
This way, by doing only a little bit at a time, you make it affordable. You will still get to your hair-free destination, it will just take a bit longer.
Does it hurt?
Sensation is relative and depends on an individual's pain threshold and the area being treated. When the needle is in the skin and the machine is brought into action a heat sensation is felt which can be described by some as a 'hot pinch' or 'quick sting'. You will have a chance to experience what it feels like for yourself during a free, non-obligation consultation.
Most people tolerate electrolysis very well without any pain management (and some even doze during treatment!). However, for very sensitive areas it is possible to use a skin numbing cream or to take a painkiller beforehand.
​A few external factors can make the treatment unpleasant:
lack of sleep
a cold
dry skin
caffeine consumption
Therefore, by trying to avoid these, you can make a big difference to your comfort level during electrolysis.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects are only cosmetic and temporary. With proper aftercare, your skin will return to its normal state shortly after a session - usually, within a couple of hours. Immediately after treatment the area will look a little pink or red. There might be some light swelling (resembling that of a mosquito bite) around the mouth of the treated follicles. Occasionally, especially if the skin is very dry, tiny scabs may form on day 3 after treatment - these need to be left alone until they fall off naturally within 7-10 days.
Carefully performed electrolysis will not damage your skin or leave any permanent marks. It is extremely important for you to adhere to aftercare routine (nothing complicated at all!) to ensure speedy skin recovery. You will receive detailed instructions about the aftercare you need to follow.
Are there any restrictions to electrolysis?
There are some contraindications to electro-epilation, such as:
Cancer, radiotherapy treatment, chemotherapy. If you have been in remission for at least 1 year without treatment and without medication, electrolysis can be done but only with a doctor’s authorisation;
Type 1 insulin-dependant diabetes;
Infections or contagious skin diseases;
There are also some other conditions allowing for electro-epilation to be carried out but only with extreme caution, and with written medical permission.
During pregnancy electrolysis can be done on some body areas. However, Electrolysis Cheltenham does not accept pregnant women without written medical consent.
The same criteria relate to hairs in moles - it can be done but only with written medical consent.
If you would like to have electrolysis done but you have a medical condition please consult your GP first and obtain their written authorisation.
Young people under 18 with no restrictive health conditions can have electrolysis done with parental/guardian consent.
What body areas can be treated?
There are only 2 areas where electrolysis can not be done:
Inside ears, close to the ear canal (outer ear is fine to treat).
Inside the nose.
The rest is only limited by your skin sensitivity and pain threshold.
Can I remove the hair between sessions?
The best approach is to just let your hair grow. However, it is understandable if you are very self-conscious, or if you have an event to attend. In this case, just shave or trim your hair very close to the skin. Please do not remove your hair by the root - absolutely no waxing, threading or tweezing!
If you use depilatory creams please remember that they work by dissolving keratin from which hair is made. As your skin contains keratin as well, the cream will affect your epidermis - your skin will become more fragile and sensitive. That's why depilatory cream should not be used close to your next electrolysis appointment; please allow 7-10 days for your skin to buid up some protection beforehand.
If the emerging hairs in-between sessions make you very anxious, it might be better for you to have shorter but more frequent appontments.